Newborn Photo Shoots

What to expect for your newborn’s photo shoot

The best time to capture memories of your newborn is during the first 2 weeks of life.  The beautiful simplicity of a sleeping baby is priceless, but there are a few important things to note to make the magic work.  In order to keep the focus on your beautiful baby, photos without clothing is preferred at this stage. However, we need him/her to feel very comfortable throughout our photo session. A full tummy and a warm environment are musts in order to keep your baby happy AND asleep. 

During the hour before the shoot:
Please either turn on the heat or turn off the air conditioner during the hour prior to my arrival. We’ll have the baby naked or semi-naked during many of the shots, so we would not want for him/her to be chilled. A toasty baby is a happy baby.At least 80 degrees is preferable.
Also, if available, please put the baby into cloth diapers approximately 20 minutes before my arrival (this will help to eliminate any red marks that disposable diapers may leave.)
*Please don't feed your baby during the hour before my arrival. 
Shortly after I arrive is the best time to feed your newborn. This will ensure a full tummy and therefore he/she will be much more likely to stay asleep during our photo shoot... which will provide for the best photos!

What to expect during:
I’ll search for the best natural lighting and a location to set up for the shot.  Beware, I may open all the curtains in your home, or opt to take pictures in a bedroom, if that is the best lighting available. 
I will bring blankets to use as backdrops,  but if you have anything sentimental or special that you would like included, then we may be able to work that into the photos.

The most important thing is for you and your baby to feel comfortable and relaxed! Please let me know if you have any questions! 

About Me

Columbia, South Carolina
I am a photographer trying to gain more experience and trying to find my way in a world of blogs. I hope you enjoy my photo display and feel free to email me!

Images by Melba

All photos copyright Images by Melba. Please email me at to contact me